
At, we specialise in German and English only and therefore offer
a comprehensive personalised service based on the experience and qualifications of our

Our translation service will deal with any project, from a single personal email
to a complete manuscript

Information on formats, rates, delivery times and terms can be seen

To obtain a quotation for a translation please
click here.

Website translation and audit
Your website is your shop window to the world and a potentially vast customer base.
If you do not currently have a bi-lingual website, we will be pleased to quote you for
a comprehensive translation of your English or German content.

We also offer a FREE audit service of your existing bi-lingual website.

Simply complete the
enquiry form, stating your existing URL (web address)
and we will undertake a language audit FREE OF CHARGE.

If the language content is already suitable for your purpose, we guarantee to say so and you
have no further obligation. If we feel that the translated content can be improved, based on the native language, we will suggest a partial or complete re-write and will offer you a very fair quotation to complete the work to an agreed timescale.

We can accept original material by post and email. Faxed documents tend to be of dubious quality and we prefer to avoid this method of transmission. Emailed documents for translation may be part of the body of the mail or attached as WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT or PDF files. We would normally return translated documents as WORD or PDF files.

Our base rate for straightforward text translation is £8.25/€12.30 per 100 words.
(A Microsoft WORD document will give you the word count from the Tools menu).
As some documents may require specialist knowledge or research, we would advise you in our quotation of the band applicable to your text.

Band 1 (Straightforward text)

£8.25 (€12.30) per 100 words

Band 2 (More difficult text)

£9.05 (€13.50) per 100 words

Band 3 (Specialist text)

£9.95 (€14.80) per 100 words

Delivery times
Our quotation will state an anticipated delivery time.
If a shorter turnaround is required, this may attract an additional charge.

We will usually provide our customers with a invoice by email in PDF format and / or provide a hard copy by post. We will accept payment by cheque, BACS transfer or by PayPal (which enables credit card payment)

Terms and conditions
Our Terms and Conditions will be appended to every quotation we send. We aim to make them as simple and straightforward as possible, avoiding unnecessary legal jargon in order to simplify the conduct of business between you the customer and ourselves.